JobsEQ®: New Feature Round-up

The JobsEQ team never stops optimizing and expanding the platform. The latest set of updates includes two exciting workflow personalization...

The JobsEQ team never stops optimizing and expanding the platform. The latest set of updates includes two exciting workflow personalization features within the JobsEQ platform, the addition of union breakout data to our Demographic Profile Analytic, and some expanded analytic outputs for clients who have access to our Real-Time Intelligence (RTI) job posting data.   


Report Section Customization 

Report-based Analytics are some of the most popular components in JobsEQ, and many users take advantage of these time-saving reports to quickly output a curated set of concise data for easy distribution to clients, partner organizations, and other stakeholders.  

Each report is comprised of several sections, and users can now select only the sections they need – providing the functionality for more specific and targeted reports.




Personalized Analytic Dashboard 

Everyone's workflow is unique. Now you can keep your most important and commonly used JobsEQ Analytics close at hand in your own custom dashboard. Every JobsEQ user has been assigned a location for a personalized dashboard. This dashboard can contain selected JobsEQ Analytics for ease of access, recall, and organization.  

Dashboard personalization is a helpful way to stay efficient in JobsEQ. 




Union Membership Breakout in Demographic Profile

JobsEQ now expands union data to detail private sector, public sector, and manufacturing membership in the Demographic Profile Analytic. 




Addition of Job Posting Data (RTI) to the Maps Analytic 

Our clients’ users now have the ability to visually represent job posting data geographically by selecting the 'Online Job Ads' dataset in our Maps Analytic. Users can now easily view and explore the spatial distribution of job postings by occupation or custom occupation group.




Job Posting Data (RTI) for US Territories 

The latest updates to JobsEQ include an important addition to our RTI job posting data module. It is now possible to view job posting information within the U.S. Territories of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands. Furthermore, in the case of Puerto Rico, we can examine job postings in each municipo, allowing us to perform county-level style job posting queries within the territory. 

Like other federally designated geographic entities, territories and municipos are discoverable by text search and FIPS-matching.


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